Am I the greatest artist in the world? Absolutely not. However, there is a joy in creation that cannot be understated. My name is Chib Onwunaka and I am the founder of Chib Designed It LLC. I founded this company by accident and out of necessity. Living in Rochester, NY at the time, I was attending a church Immaculate Conception/St. Bridgets. While attending a lovely lady came to me and said "hey young man, do you build websites?" I have no idea what provoked her to ask that question but later it was clear that God was speaking to her and she was a humble servant.
I told her, I have no idea but I could learn. I spent the following 365 days learning, researching, and practicing web design to do something that would make her and the church body proud. I applied my doctorate studies to web design and I found a marriage that was meant to be. Once I built the website (check it out here: https://www.immaculateconceptionrochester.org/) the reception to it was fantastic.
As I reflected upon the process of my first website build, I realized that I fell in love with the creation process. I loved the idea of making something that would be a blessing to others. I also found that it provided me peace. Design became my therapy. Fast forward a few months and COVID-19 hit and layoffs came right after.
After being laid off from my referee job at Lasertron, I was contacted by Richard McCollough to create a website for Timecyclopedia. It was a project where he aimed to capture historical information of people around the world so people could make personal connections to them. He paid me $100 for the work and I was overjoyed. I know that some readers might think that I was getting robbed but I wasn't. He gave me more than money, he gave me opportunity and trust. This meant the world to me because I was getting a chance to prove myself.
As COVID-19 ramped up, other people were contacting me to build websites for them. Some of you may not know but it was surreal to be paid for things I was creating. My greatest joy was hearing the excitement in clients voices once they saw the final product. The aim was always to do better than expected. As the months rolled by, I was contacted by WIX to become a partner. They audited my website and helped me with my pricing packages based on my skillset, experience, and market conditions.
I was honored to become a partner and I was further motivated to do better work. Shortly after becoming a partner, I moved to Texas and registered the company Chib Designed It LLC. I started to get more consistent clients but it hasn't been easy. I am proud of the work that's been done and the patience my team has shown in it's growth. We are prideful in doing a great job and not milking clients for money. We aim to be affordable and better focused on getting the right clients. Web design has been a blessing. Maybe one day, I'll write more but I didn't want to be long winded.
Thank you to everyone that has blessed us with their support via money, word of mouth promotion, following us through social media, and prayers.
The information in the post on web navigation design helped me greatly in improving the structure and usability of my website. I learned the importance of an intuitive menu that makes it easy for users to find information. The recommendations for using clear labels and minimizing clicks were extremely helpful. These tips made the site more user-friendly and efficient, which increased visitor satisfaction and improved conversions.